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SmartStock.WMS Hardware

System architecture built on telnet server / client is an assurance of system independency on supplier and type of handheld terminals. The application can be operated on any wireless terminal that supports telnet, function keys F1 to F10 and has display dimensions at least 20 characters and 16-lines eg. Datalogic (PSC), Motorola (Symbol), Intermec, LXE, Teklogis, HHP.

Currently it has been developed new grafic version for handheld terminals with operation system WinCE.NET. This version will enable new level of aplication control, ergonomy and functionality.

SmartStock.WMS supports state of the art technology for labels and bar codes printing, that enables easy and fast integration of any thermo-transfer or laser printer independently on type and producer.

The dimension of the application and database server with OS Windows 2000/2003 and MS SQL 2000 has to be set up based on maximum number of SmartStock.WMS users. After it's implementation, the warehouse management system becomes always critical enterprise application and also it's short-term nonavailability is undesirable. On this account it's necessary to pay attention to server system, it's reliability and availability.

Warehouse Management System - English      Cистемa управления складoм - Russian      Řízený sklad - Česky      Riadeny sklad - Slovensky